Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Crazy Fascination with Video Recording of Belly Movements

I just love feeling the little munchkin move all around in my belly - stretching all sorts of out to the sides - especially when I'm lying down in bed. It's the best feeling ever!!!

Hence, my latest fascination, or rather obsession, since hitting 3rd trimester is to watch my belly very closely for signs of cool baby movements and video record them with my Samsung Galaxy Note (pink limited edition). Every time I get a chance to lie down and feel the belly movement, my phone will be automatically on my hand on video mode waiting to capture some cool motions. Which explains why my phone memory is getting drained out.

Just the other week, I pulled out a few clips from my video collection, the more obvious ones with belly movements, and passed them along to my husband help put together a nice video montage of my belly moves.

You would figure that since he spends most of his time editing his WWE videos for fun for his forum, that when his wife asks him to put a short vignette together of our baby's movement in the belly, which she recorded, he would at least put together a good one. Hah! Think again *smirks*

From the few clips that I gave him, this is what he could montage together. *fail, fail, fail*

Not impactful as I had hoped... and what's with the "rock-a-bye baby" lullaby? I wanted it more hip and with beat and why is the video still running while the music is over? Just because it's for baby, doesn't mean baby songs need to be used. Even so, it should have beat since it's kicking footages. You watch the clip and see if you feel the same frustration! 

Or perhaps it's just me and my "crazy biatch" pregnancy hormones kicking in at this stage in the pregnancy that has set a much higher expectation of what the end product should look like and thinks it could have been done better and with much more thought, love and ummmph?

I've of course asked him to redo and spunk it up and even provided him with more raw video clips, but so far I have received nothing. I would do it myself if I had the software and skills as I've learned that these days, if you want anything done, you just gotta do it yourself. Hmmm, maybe I will... *gazes into thin air, trying to figure out when I will ever have the time to do it since "labor day" is approaching very, very soon*

For those of you who would like to try to video record your belly movements, trust me, you need to be very, very patient and calm cos when you least expect it, you'll probably see the best moves. Sometimes, you can hold have it on handheld record for for 5 minutes and just get 5 seconds of a good movement. That's considered lucky already! When you miss it, you'll be like "Oh, crap! Such a waste as that was a beautiful shot." - but keep at it, and try and try again... There are times when it can be frustrating as you have no good footage, and if you are like me, you may have the urge to tap, tap, tap your belly to get the baby moving... But make sure to tap with love and not vengeance as it's a fun activity and good playtime bonding with baby :)

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