Saturday, May 18, 2013

37 Weeks Pregnant

Well, WE MADE IT! I never thought this day would come... 37 weeks - we're FULL TERM, baby!!!!!

If I were go to into labor anytime today, or even after today, my Ob/Gyn wouldn't try to stop it or anything... and I'll get to meet my little girl! :) Although I don't see that happening (at least not today itself although there has been alot of kicking and elbowing happening in there) cos she seems quite content in her temporary "hotel" inside my womb. I'll just continue to incubate the little munchkin a little longer, while she decides to remain in there, and fatten her up even more... I can totally handle a couple more weeks of pregnancy - if she really decides to make her debut at 40 weeks.

Kevin and I went for our usual weekly checkup and ultrasound this morning and we were the first today! Woohoo :)

My bump has definitely dropped now that the little munchkin's head is in 2/3 engaged mode. Yes, she's engaged and in "get set" mode now... but so far, no "go" signs yet even though she has discovered her "escape route". She is probably just taking time to do a proper analysis of the whole situation and her options before making any moves. Plus, she probably wants to just keep us all in suspense as to her arrival date and time. If she's anything like mommy and daddy, then when we least expect it, that's when she'll make her move... Cheeky girl! 

As of today, (Week 37 - Day 1), the little munchkin's fetal stats are:
- Heartbeat: 129bpm
- CRL: ~34cm
- Weight: 3.2kg

Hohoho... Looks like she's got mommy's "Shih" nose, doesn't she? Aaauuwww, sowie daddy! She may take on the Lee name, but she's definitely a Shih baby in every other way possible! :)

What's most important is that my bump measures right at 37 weeks, baby's head is already engaged and everything looks good so far, even though I have not dilated at all. 

I know it is out of my control and I leave it to Allah as He knows best when the little munchkin will and should come out. She too knows his plan and is abiding to it and keeping both mummy and daddy in suspense... Will it be today? tomorrow? the day after? in a week? in two weeks? on the actual EDD? Oh, the suspense!!!

So, all mommy and daddy have to do right now is to trust that it's all in His hands, stay calm, be prepared and await the labor signs of mucus plug, contractions, water breaking... the whole enchilada!!! It could be any day now...

I know she'll come when she's ready, but when exactly will that be honeybun? Give mommy some hints please... Pwetty please? *bats eyelashes while looking down at bulging belly*

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