Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Herbal Chicken Soup Incident

Kevin got home today at about 6.00pm and he looked super tired as he has had a long day at work. Therefore, I let him rest and nap whilst I "rainbow" the house away. *just love my new household "toy!"*

At 9.45pm he suddenly sprung out of bed and exclaimed "Ohmigod! I forgot I bought herbal chicken during lunch, and it's still in my car! It's sure going stink up the car." And he fled out the door, face all scrunched up, to grab it and throw it away,  and worried of the sting smell of the soup will soak up his car... 10 minutes later he was back at our condo, with a OMG-you-won't-believe-it grin on his face.

In his hands, he was carrying the plastic containing the herbal chicken that he had bought earlier that afternoon (about eight hours ago), which had been left in his car all day long. Pranced the plastic in front of my face asking me to see and touch it. Oh, I touched the bag alright!!! It was still warm and the herbal chicken soup looked like he had just bought it.

"Baby magic!" was the first thing both of us exclaimed. Yeap, all the cool incidents that have happened/touched our lives since we found out we were pregnant (and believe me, there have been plenty! and we have friends and family as witnesses too) are can all be attributed to little "charmed one" brewing in my tummy. There's no way else to explain it as we've always never been that good luckwise. Oh, our little munchkin has got some awesome powers to spice up our lives! Now, she has shown us that she has "powers" to preserve food (that she probably wants to eat) for at least 8 hours. I guess 8 hours is the extent of the limit to her powers of food preservation, hence waking up daddy from his sleep to go get it before she can't control it anymore so that she can have it for dinner? 

Bravo my little charmed one, bravo! :) [I'm glad the Charmed series I love watching over and over has rubbed off on her - I wonder if she will have "active" powers once she's out *excited*] I mean, how else would you explain it, right???

We thought no further and just enjoyed our herbal chicken soup for dinner. Didn't even have to microwave it (as it was still nice and warm) and it tasted so goooood! Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy :)

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