Saturday, May 11, 2013

36 Weeks Pregnant

We hit Day 1 of 36 weeks today!!! By the way, is the start of 36 weeks considered full term

Well, my pregnancy update email says that 37 weeks (the end of 36 weeks) is actually full term - so, I guess we'll be full term at the end of this week?... Yay! Which ever is fine with me as I don't think the little munchkin will be coming out this week anyways although I do feel like I'm carrying a watermelon in my belly now as she continues to grow :)

As of today (Week 36 - Day 1), the little munchkin's fetal stats are: 
- Heartbeat: 130bpm
- CRL: ~34cm
- Weight: ~3.0-3.2kg

She's so much bigger and her positioning today made it difficult to see her full face profile during the 4D ultrasound. We were only able to see her left eye as her left hand was blocking parts of her face. She's still cute regardless and when mommy called out her name, she reacted by trying to open her eyes. I'm a little concerned about the limited space she has at this point though as she's used to having space to roam about freely in there.

My Ob/Gyn also pressed down on my pelvis and alerted me that baby has dropped slightly. Although our little honeybun is remaining in head down position, it seems as though she is not settled in "engaged" mode yet... Slightly relieved to hear that as I don't mind being pregnant a little while longer :) 

Oh sure, my lower back hurts like hell most times these days (mostly night time) and fatigue has certainly kicked in during the day time... But I love every moment of it!

Moreover, I'm amazed at how I am able to still work through and endure my long work hours (late night and early morning conference calls) and stay on my feet at the office even at this stage of my pregnancy. The last couple of weeks, workload at the office has been crazy but it's amazing how my baby gives me the extra energy boost to keep at it while tiring me out at the same time. 

At some point, and real soon, I would have to come to terms with reality (and hopefully, when the time comes, my boss will understand it too) and will need to slow down and stop my work routine and concentrate fully on welcoming our baby safely into the world.  

Since the little one's not "engaged" yet, I'm only planning to start my maternity leave on June 3, the week that I'm due. Hopefully from now until then, I can pace myself and slow down when it comes to work as per my Ob/Gyn's advice, but how is that possible when there's just so much to do at work and so many new projects coming in??!!??

I still can't help but wonder if we'll end up with a May or June baby at this point... Secretly, I'm wishing for her to make it out in time for Kevin and my 4th Year Wedding Anniversary - our Akad Nikah / Solemnization of Marriage - on the May 23, 2013 (two weeks before her EDD - June 7, 2013).

But, I won't force it especially since she seems to be enjoying her stay in there and has not given any signs of coming out anytime in the next week or two. She can come out whenever she's ready... It's just that May 23 would make it a little extra special and memorable - don't you think? 

I guess we'll find out soon... :)

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