Thursday, May 23, 2013

4 Years of Marriage

Today marks the 4th year Kevin and I have been married, from the date of our Akad Nikah (solemnization) on May 23, 2009, and counting...

It's also exactly 11 years to the date we first started "officially" dating May 23, 2002! How time flies... and you know what I've come to realize...? I don't know how he does it, but he makes me love him more and more every day... We make such a great team and we really are true soul mates. At times, I feel like our life adventures together are only just beginning...

This year's anniversary seem much more special than any other as we're expecting our 1st baby any day/any time now and will be entering our life's journey as a "family of three" very, very soon. 

Yes, it would be super special if the little munchkin popped into the world today, but from the irregular timings of my contractions (and that there's less than one more hour to go before the clock strikes midnight), it does not seem likely to be her birth day... unless of course I interfere with her grand plan and give the green light to pull her out.  But why would I want to force that on her? It is fine if she wants to stay in there a little longer and when she's ready (as she still seems to be enjoying her time in there - must be some real awesome party that she's hosting in there!) cos I know she will give me the signs for when she's ready to come out.

Kevin had to work today (of course!) and since I was under strict orders for full bed rest (and no stress) from my Ob/Gyn, I just remained rested after being discharged, at least during the morning part of the day. Come afternoon, I decided I needed some pampering, at least after being cooped up in the hospital for days. At 37 weeks pregnant, foot reflexology or massage does not seem like the brightest ideas, although I really, really think I need a good back massage at the rate my back pain has escalated. 

I opted for the next best thing - mani/pedi pampering!!! So off I went (cautiously) to the mall, pregnant belly and all, for some "baby and me" time and pampering. After all, it is my anniversary day today and I needed to feel pampered and pwetty, don't I deserve at least that break from all the resting?

Amazingly, the little munchkin remained quiet in my belly throughout the 1.5 hour session, listening attentively to the stories exchanged (about her of course) between mommy and the nice lady at Nail World who worked on mommy's hands and feet. She was also probably preserving energy for our movie date with daddy later in the evening for Fast & Furious 6 where there's going to be fast action!

With the recent pre labor signs, Kevin and I were a little wary on whether we should go for the premier of Fast & Furious 6 this week in the event she may decide to debut on our special day (and in the cinema of all places). But after some thought and seeing that the contractions are still quite far apart, we decided "Why not?". Let's go for it and enjoy our anniversary and what could be our last movie date nite at the cinema until a while (especially once the baby comes). So we went ahead and booked the tickets after we talked to the little munchkin about it of course. She seemed fine with the idea of fast cars and action... There seem to be no act of objections from her end with our intended plan! :)

Throughout the entire movie (which she is under the age limit to watch, or in her case listen in to), she also "participated":
  • She tapped my belly so hard when references to "baby oil" were made in the movie (at least twice), as if it the reference was especially meant for her and she knew it!
  • I could feel her foot (just one) pressing hard on the left side of my belly, as if she too were also hitting the pedal to the metal. This motion was only specific to the race scenes and they were aplenty throughout the movie. It was either pressing the brakes or accelerator, depending on which foot it was based on the position she is engaged. If it was her left foot pressing, it would mean she was pressing on the brakes - trying to slow down the speed. But we think it's probably her right foot, which means the little one's got a thing for fast cars [hmmm, must be taking after her god-mom's need for speed].
She's such a cutie, right? So expressive and entertaining even from inside the womb. Even daddy could not resist missing out on a single moment of her action in there and had his hands on my belly throughout the entire movie to feel the interactivity and reactions of the little one! :)

To top off the evening, Kevin had an anniversary surprise awaiting me in our bedroom. I saw a golden box laid so prettily awaiting my attention on my side of the bed *bling, bling, bling*.

"Oh my, what did I do to deserve this?", I thought to myself as I opened the gift, kissed my husband and looked down at my bulging belly with a big smile on my face... I felt like the luckiest gal in the world *blessed* :)

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