Wednesday, May 08, 2013

My Birth Preference

I'm about 4 weeks+ away from my due date, so it's only natural for my nerves to be twitching and my heart racing - anxiously awaiting labor and birth day of my little munchkin.

At this point, I'm quite certain of my birth preference (I much prefer the term "birth preference" than "birth plan"), after all a "plan" implies that you have control over your labor and delivery and it's usually circumstances that determine how labor and deliver go.

In terms of preparation, I believe I've prepared all I could in the early stages of my pregnancy and found out all I needed to know and expect for when "labor day" comes. Books are definitely one way (I have have bought tons of them), but for labor, videos I felt are still the best way to know and see what actually happens. Thanks to YouTube, I have seen the "real deal" experiences and as traumatic as many of them may be, I still feel that it's the most beautiful experience in the world. 


My birth preference would be natural delivery, with epidural assistance, of course. I know my limits - I have low tolerance when it comes to pain! I have spoken to many friends who have been through labor and seen the videos to know that if I wanted to go with the natural way, epidural would be the best way to go.

However, I am aware that there could be complications and if the need really arises for interventions which may become necessary to be explained to me and in such a way that both Kevin and I understand what is happening, and why it has become a necessity. Regardless, I want the environment to be as calm and supportive as it can be under whatever the circumstance.

Hence, I'm still amazed that I have numerous female friends who actually opt for natural delivery without epidural and they live to tell the tale. I really salute them and although a part of me (deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down x1000) would like to say "Challenge, accepted!", the voice inside my head (which sounds so much like my husband's) is screaming "Don't try to be a hero. Go with epidural, woman!".

My birth partner:
- My husband** will be my primary birth partner, of course, and he should be present throughout the entire process. However, since he's been experiencing more of the pregnancy symptoms than I have, perhaps I should get the hospital to standby a bed for him next to me, just in case he goes into labor as well. Hmmm, it that happens, he would need to go caesarean for sure - no choice! *devilish grin*   
- My mom and mother-in-law can be present as well, if they choose to be since the hospital allows for it (yeap, I checked!).
- I would also like to have one more person - preferably one of my female cousins - to be in the room for photography/videography reasons. I'm hoping my cousin (who's studying to be a doctor) will do it as it will also be giving her first-hand experience of watching real-life labor/delivery :) 

**Hmmm, then again, I'm not sure for when the labor pain strikes if I really, really want him there as I won't be able to control my emotions and may just start hating him at that point in time for being the reason of giving me this pain in the first place. We'll see ~ drama, drama, drama - and I wonder why the little munchkin inside me is already such a drama queen!

Positions for labor and birth:
- I would definitely prefer to remain lying upright in bed with my back propped with pillows for for as long as possible and be involved throughout the labor/delivery process. 
- Lying on my side could be an option, but I don't think I would be comfortable in that position. Same goes with standing or squatting. Not my thang.

Pain relief:
- Let's stick to the "plan" - epidural, please!

Assisted birth:
- If the need arises, I am open to what my Ob/Gyn recommends at that point in time as much as I'd like to avoid forceps or vacuum delivery. 

Third stage (delivery of the placenta):
- I would prefer to have a natural third stage without any injection to speed up the delivery of the placenta.
- My husband, who will be my birth partner, will be the one to cut the umbilical cord.

Skin-to-skin contact:
- I would like to have my baby to be placed directly onto my arms straight after birth. She does not necessarily need to be cleaned up before she is handed to me.

Feeding baby: 
- Breastfeeding is my ultimate and only preference. No formula, unless of course there are "technical" issues that cannot be avoided. Even then, no Anmum please!

All in all, I'm planning for a peaceful and normal delivery. If for some reason things go off track, Kevin and I will accept them together and and move ahead with whatever needs to happen. We'll be way too excited to meet our little girl at that point that I'm confident that we can bring her into this world together.


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