Saturday, April 20, 2013

33 Weeks Pregnant

We had to be at the hospital early today as I was scheduled for a blood test (to check my glucose level) at the lab on the 3rd floor at 8.45am.

This also meant that I had to fast last night from 9.00pm onwards and no breakfast for the little munchkin this morning either. Believe me, she tapped mommy many, many times to ask for food, but all she got in return was belly rub and a pep talk from mommy and I can tell the little one was not happy...

The blood test was a three-phased test which took 3 hours in total. To checked the glucose level, they needed to check my urine and blood three times in total, every hour - and I can't eat anything until it was complete. Which only meant my baby will not be having any breakfast, and it will be lunch time by the time I could take in food.

After the 1st urine-blood test, I was given a glass of glucose to drink up in time for the next test.

Since we had an hour until my next test, we headed down to see my Ob/Gyn for our weekly follow-up and ultrasound.

As of today (Week 33 - Day 1), the little munchkin's fetal stats are:
- Heartbeat: 133bpm
- CRL: ~30cm 
- Weight: ~2.1kg

Spine check! All's good :)

Reminding us yet again that she's a girl!

She's already sprouting hair at the start of 33 weeks!

Sure enough, during the ultrasound, the little "diva" inside me made it clear to us that she was unhappy. She turned the other way just as we started the scan so to have her back at us throughout the ultrasound - as if to let us know she merajuk (malay for sulk)

She refused to turn back even when mommy and daddy called out to her and tried to sweet talk her. She was not happy and she wasn't afraid to let us know. We can tell she was wide awake as she was moving about alot. But she never turned. Hence, we were not able to see her face today. My Ob/Gyn took this opportunity to check her spine and other organs and all seem intact. Syukur alhamdullilah!

We headed to the pharmacy to pick up my medication immediately after the ultrasound and went back to the 3rd floor to continue with the test.

For some reason, I could not really "pee in the cup" for the 2nd test, but whatever drops I could provide seems sufficient and enough. After the 2nd urine-blood test, I was told to drink water and I gulped down at least 3 cups full. For the 3rd test, we were back in business and the cup was filled! Being "poked" three times every hour was also no fun, but I got through it :) Let's hope the results are worth the wait... I should get the results by next week.

It was just past noon by the time we were done at the hospital. We immediately hunted for food for the little munchkin. After food, all's back to normal again! Drama! Drama! Drama! even from inside the womb :)

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