Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Keira Goes To Disneyland Hong Kong!

We are already in Hong Kong to visit relatives and welcome a new addition to our Shih family... We have some time to spare and Disneyland Hong Kong is only a train ride away, so why should we not bring our little one there? After all, she LOVES her Disney!

I know of friends who say they would rather wait to spend the money when baby is a little older and could appreciate it more, They can wait if they wish to do so with their kids, but we're right there and we live by the present. If there's opportunity to go again when she's bigger, by all means. So, why not just seize the moment and go, right?

With low expectations, we set off to Disneyland Hong Kong this afternoon after our yum cha date with my aunts. We being my hubby, my mom, little Keira and myself.

Of course Keira fell asleep during the train rides there as it just after late lunch and she already spent alot of energy "entertaining" relatives! She needed her recharge before her Disney adventure began, but that did not stop me from taking photos of her :)

By the time we got to Disneyland, it was almost 4.00pm, but we had no high expectations. We just wanted to enjoy the quick visit there with our baby and enjoy ourselves walking about. 

But Kevin and I did have one secret goal set in our minds which we hoped to accomplish in this visit. That was was for our little princess Snow White to meet Snow White - in costume! Keira LOVES Snow White and she acknowledges the Snow White character as "Kia" (her manja name for herself). Everytime she sees Snow White, she will point and say "Kia" as if telling people that's her. And why shouldn't she - she was after all Snow White on her 1st birthday. Perception is reality ain't it and she does have skin as white as snow...

As if Keira could sense that we had arrived at our destination just as we got off the Disneyland station, the final stop, she woke up - wide eyed and eager to explore the new surroundings and find her Disney princess friends.

We changed her attire - oh yes, the crazy parents that we were, Kevin and I actually packed her Snow White costume and changed her just before we entered Disneyland. My mom had nothing to say but help us change her and just shook her head and never would she have imagined that our fantasy would become a reality. [I'm sure in her mind she thinks, "I know my daughter is already crazy enough to do something like this, but combined with my son-in-law, who's just a crazy to be encouraging her in her crazy ideas, they are both double trouble!" Hah!]

Just as we stepped into the streets of Disneyland Hong Kong, our very own Snow White caught the eye of many visitors and the tourists. Many seem to be so fascinated by her in costume and could not resist asking us if they could take photo with our little princess. Well, what do you know... Keira was a mini-celebrity in her own right. And she absolutely LOVED the attention!!!

As if it were written in the stars, guess who was the first Disney character we met? Yes, you guessed it right!

Well, hello Snow White. Meet our little Snow White! :)


Of course Keira was stunned at first to see a "bigger her" in real life. It's like looking in the mirror, but not... And I bet Snow White was also simply fascinated to see a mini her staring at her. How many parents would go to that extent of crazy?

Kevin and I were happy as our secret mission was fulfilled within the first half hour we stepped into Disneyland. A great start to our visit, that's for sure!

We continued to have lots of fun after, with Keira meeting more of her princess friends and other Disney characters she loved, and going on some rides too! Lots of shopping followed!



We waited until the fireworks at the castle ended before we headed back to our hotel!

All in all, taking our 1 year 3 month toddler, Keira to Disneyland Hong Kong was a truly magical experience and so much fun!!! Absolutely worth it! We will definitely continue to go for more Disney adventures when she's older as this is not the end. DisneyWorld Florida, we'll find our way to you one fine day, that's for sure!

In summary: Oh yes, it is very much possible to visit Disneyland with a baby and still have a great time!!! We did it, and I'm sure many other families enjoyed it too. I dare you to try it with your little one! :)

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