Saturday, March 16, 2013

28 Weeks Pregnant

I can't believe I've officially entered the 3rd and final trimester of pregnancy! Time just flies by, doesn't it? Especially now that my baby bump has become visibly noticeable. *big smiles*

Before I know it, it'll be June 7, 2013 and time to push the little growing munchkin inside of me out :)

I just love being pregnant; still soaking and savoring every minute of every day of having this miracle of life growing in me. I have been so blessed with god's greatest gift to women. It's simply awesome!

I guess I really should consider myself lucky in pregnancy:

(1) Lost 4kgs since preggers. [If I had known getting pregnant would be my fast ticket to shedding off pounds, I would have gotten pregnant much earlier and not waited to get "knocked up" after three years of marriage. *wink*] I'm sure the weight loss is mainly due to my cutting off cola drinks, coffee, junk food etc. cold turkey and settling for more proper, balanced meals. After all, I have to make sure I take care of the little miracle brewing inside of me. Now that I've reached the 3rd trimester and baby's booming inside, I'm feeling the weight gain coming in slow and steady. Which is great! Better to start gaining weight steadily in the 3rd trimester than any earlier - right?

(2) Double/triple the energy boost. I've become more super productive at work for some reason since the very beginning of my pregnancy. Thank god for that cos pregnant or not, the workload does not end.

(3) Touched by good "baby" luck. Since preggers, I have been touched by an angel - my little munchkin of an angel :) I've had streaks of good luck blowing my way, whether it be making worklife easier at office or just simple everyday things like easy/convenient parking spots for mommy (hence, I have no need for the special parking for pregnant women). It's these little things that keep me happy and glowing.

(4) No morning or all-day sickness, vomiting sensations, nausea or cravings at all. Yes, you read that right! It's my darling hubster who had to take on all that during the 1st and 2nd trimester and even now he still encounters the occasional nausea and cravings. Apparently it's called "sympathy pregnancy" and it does happen! Weird, but true, and I've seen it first hand. Perhaps, it's just a way for baby to forge closer bond with daddy?!? After all, she already seems to have a strong bond with mommy. Poor, poor daddy! 

Taking the "sympathy pregnancy" ideology a little further, our family's "inside joke" is that hubster's carrying the "invisible" twin and when the time comes in June for me to "pop", he would probably need to prepare himself for labor too. I'm planning to go natural (with epidural, of course); but for hubster - hmmm, he'll definitely need c-section. *lol*

As of today (Week 28 - Day 1), the little munchkin's fetal stats are:
- Heartbeat: 133bpm
- CRL: ~23cm
- Weight: ~1.3kg

The little munchkin's super-active, don't you agree? Did you manage to catch her cheeky grin at 0:18? (Yes, it's a baby girl!) That was the time when mommy called out her name and she, of course, reacted naturally with a smile. My little smiley munchkin! *kisses for my bulging belly* :)

According to my Ob/Gyn, baby's growth is progressing very, very well and even though it's starting to look a little cramped in there, there's nothing to worry as there's still ample of room for her to "twist and turn".

By June 2013, my little munchkin is expected to double/triple her current size. Wow! As it is now, I'm already starting to feel the little munchkin stretching out across my growing belly, including strong kicks/punches/acrobatic stunts, as my uterus expands and pushes upwards... Hence, the exhaustion, backaches and shortness of breath that I've been feeling the past few days. I suppose I'll need to brace myself for more of that to come as my belly and baby continues to grow...

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