No, I'm not referring to the Disney installation for my little growing peanut... The "It" I'm referring to is the Disney-Snow White effect that has rubbed on to my little munchkin... At 5.57 in the morning (yes, I checked my watch as it was an ungodly hour and still seemed quite dark outside), I was awaken by the sound of birds chirping and serenading by our bedroom window, followed by the little munchkin in my belly reacting to the musical affair. She definitely wasn't kicking or punching (by now, I can pretty much differentiate between her kicks, punches, belly-flops, taps, shakes and dance). I believe this new move she has developed is termed "stretching". When it comes to this little bundle of joy, there's always a first time for everything, everyday!
Oh yes, I believe the little munchkin was literally doing her "morning stretch" in my belly, as if the musical beings outside the bedroom window were her exclusive morning alarm and were here to serenade her "good morning and wake up sleepy head".
I do have my sneaky suspicion that she was the one that summoned them for their services (oh, she has her ways!). And there I was shouting at the birds to shut up, shut up, shut up!!! "6.00am is just too early for this honeybun!", I keep telling my little one whilst rubbing my belly, "Mommy needs her beauty sleep and rest and does not need to get up until at least 7.15am for work."
And during this time, what was my husband doing? He was still sound asleep...I had to shake and wake him so that he can also witness this "Snow White moment" and his response was simple, "Get over it! They are here for our daughter, not you. Don't "perasan" or jealous and leave them be to serenade her. Yes, I hear them. Expose her to Disney some more... Let me sleep, woman!"
And as if the little one understood what we were talking about... The next day onwards, the birds gathered by our window at about 7.00am, not earlier. I guess she sent out a memo to them secretly on the time change?
Two weeks have passed and they still come serenading outside our bedroom window every freakin' morning. Birds chirping by the window that early in the morning is still annoying, but just too damn cute!!! Puts a smile on my face every morning :) And these days, I don't even need my alarm clock anymore thanks to my darling little Snow White.
On occasions when the songbirds can't make it, guess what comes in their place? The crows!!! Those are the days I wish I had a shotgun or slingshot handy to aim at them. Go kaw-kaw-kaw somewhere else!
I was still curious, and of course secretly very impressed, so on one of the mornings, I drew up the bedroom curtain in one hand whilst holding a camera in the other in hope of capturing the moment and getting proof of them in action. The birds just flew away... unfortunately!
There were at least three birdies outside our window. But by the time I scrambled to my bag to grab my camera and got back to the window, they had all flown away... But they came back and continue their services when I retract back into bed. I could hear!
I made many photographic attempts over the past week, and finally this morning I managed to snap a photo of one. Woohoo!!!
Here's one of the many pretty birdies that come every morning to serenade my munchkin.
The one that was too slow to fly away (the others managed to get away).
It has been two weeks now, and they still come... I wonder how long their "morning wake-up call" contract is with my little one. And if she decides to take this Snow White effect further, are we to expect squirrels and other forest animals to drop in too??? It would be a little tricky for them since we live on the 17th floor... and what about them seven dwarfs?!?
I guess only time can tell... *wink*
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