Saturday, December 21, 2013

To Jumperoo Or Not To Jumperoo?

I have heard many friends (who became mothers before me) and also expert physical therapists say over and over again that jumperoos (similarly, walkers and other baby items), are unsafe and not good for babies development. They apparently place too much weight on babies legs, the crotch-support seats isn't good for the hips... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...  there's always some reason why something is not good, isn't there? Still, the fact remains that such items are still legally sold and there are parents who swear by them.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and Kevin and I are not one to be swayed by other people's opinions. We never have, and we never will. We listen to what people have to say and their opinions, then do our research and form our own opinions and decide wisely on what is or is not good for our child. What anyone else thinks about our decision is utterly irrelevant.

On that note - Keira got a new toy (thanks to the aunties and uncles at Khazhanah who contributed money to buy the specific Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo we had our eye on but could not find in Penang, among other gifts), and she ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT! 

We love it too because it clearly makes her very, very happy. Doesn't she look happy in her first ever jumperoo experience? Jump, Keira, jump! A happy baby makes for happy parents! :)

We are not irresponsible parents - we do not use such toys as opportunities to leave our baby on the all day long, and neither do we start her on it too early on it (best to start babies on it when they are is more stable - we started Keira on it at 6 months old) or leave her on it for too long. 

Either Kevin, my mom or myself will keep a watchful eye every second she is on it and keep her company while she plays and enjoys her jumperoo time (usually not longer than 20 mins per playtime). 


We never leave her alone on it, cos we don't see it as a product of convenience. It's a purchase of fun and excitement for our baby to enjoy and we want her know that we also want to be involved in the process as we clap, cheer and sing along to her jumps and laughter.

In case you too decide that you want to purchase a jumperoo for your little one (and you should consider it!), here are some tips to ensure you maximize your baby's safety while using it:

  • Place it on a flat leveled surface; do not place it near staircases, pools or other hazardous areas.
  • Keep the floor clear of share or pointy objects that your baby can jump on.
  • Do not attach additional toys with strings to the product as they are possible strangulation hazard.
  • Take note of the weights and height limit of the product and make sure to stop using the product once your baby reaches/exceeds the weight and height limit.
  • Do not leave your baby with the product unsupervised.
  • Stop using the jumperoo once baby starts learns to stand and walk.

Yes, the tips and safety concerns listed above do come down to plain common sense, but sometimes people need to be reminded of them... don't you agree?

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